What we do

At times having a coach or mentor can make all the difference, helping you to find the answers that are right for you.
Are you considering a career move or retirement, but not sure what that will look like?
Do you know what you want, but are not clear about how to get there?
Is this a difficult time and you want someone alongside?

Building Boards
A strong board is made up of the right mix of people, is chaired well, and knows what it's doing.
What sort of diversity of experience and skill do you need?
What is an appropriate style of chairing?
Do board meetings conform with your organisation's objects and values?

Good Governance
To be effective, both the board and the executive must understand their roles and where and how decisions are taken.
Does your board add real value to the executive?
Are board meetings well-run, with agendas that cover normal business but also leave time for strategic discussions?
Do you comply with the governance best practice?

Strategy and Accountability
To secure the future, a board manages risk, holds the executive
to account and regularly reviews its performance.
Is your risk framework a useful tool for the board and the executive?
Is the executive reporting the right information, with outcomes-focussed indicators?
Do senior staff and the board undertake regular appraisals?